
How to Approach the New Year in 5 Easy Steps

Welcome to 2017! I hope you enjoyed the holidaze and are preparing to face what the new year has to offer. While it is certainly tempting to close the book on 2016, you may still be  struggling to figure out what you'd like 2017 to be like. It's typical at this time of year to ask yourself questions: What is my purpose? What do I need to change? How can I let go of bad habits? Why aren't I happier/richer/more successful/whatever?

Instead of assaulting yourself with questions, here are some strategies for developing your ability to self-assess and start to create positive change:

  • Process the past year: many of us would like to forget 2016 even happened, but reflecting on everything that happened in your life can put things in perspective. There were almost certainly some positives, and even the negatives can motivate you to do things differently in the coming year.
  • Create time for yourself: a monthly or quarterly "retreat" can be really helpful in balancing all the things you're juggling. Get out of your regular routine and location- a change of scenery often stimulates introspection, and being out in nature can also be therapeutic.
  • Spend time with people who are good for you: surround yourself with people who elevate and energize you, not those who suck the life from you. Figure out how to include these important people in your life, professionally and socially. Life is too short to spend it with people who bring you down.
  • Express your gratitude: make sure to tell yourself every day what you are grateful for in your life- people, work, your health, things that bring you joy. Make a point of communicating to those people how much you appreciate them (they are probably the people you've chosen to spend more time with!).
  • Be easy on yourself: instead of pushing to change yourself, try to practice self-acceptance. What are you proud of yourself for? What do others admire in you? How have you already succeeded? Accept where you are right now, and encourage the idea that you are already enough.


Let's all try to move into 2017 with a renewed purpose and hope for the best!

Inspiration, Help and Gratitude

May we all be inspiration more than we seek it. Give help more than we need it.

And express gratitude rather than keep it.

~ Cory Booker


Who inspires you? Who do you hope to inspire? For me, I'm inspired by some of the people I work with who are in the truest sense of the word "survivors". I hope to be an inspiration to others seeking to find their path in the world.

Who have you helped and who has helped you along the way? I'd like to think I have helped my colleagues and friends with my sage advice! They have helped me as well, and I have been so lucky to have had many mentors and guides during my journey.

What are you grateful for? So many things!! My health, my family and friends, and my spirit are most important. Right after that is that I get to see the ocean every day.

I want to hear your responses! Please be in touch with me


Thank You Very Much

In early December, I sent out a small gift to my current, past and (hopefully) future clients, along with a "Season's Greetings" card.  I was surprised as the weeks went by and I did not receive more than a couple of messages of thanks from the recipients.  Actually, I was shocked. But when I told some of my colleagues about my experience, they weren't surprised at all. It seems there is an epidemic of ingratitude going around. Over the holiday break, I reflected on this trend and its ramifications for organizations sending out their year-end appeals.  This has become an expected part of end-of-year activities for both donors and organizations. But I'm wondering what happens now- in January- when all the donations have been received and tallied. How many of these organizations are going to turn around and express their gratitude? How will they articulate their thanks? It should be the most important part of the fundraising strategy, but if this "culture of ingratitude" is as established as it appears, what does this mean for fundraising?

Let's change the culture. Let's begin the year with an "attitude of gratitude" and let's encourage this attitude to spread through our professional and personal lives. Let's not miss an opportunity to thank someone for a kindness, a gift, or an expression of support. Let's make sure that our family, friends, mentors, and especially donors feel appreciated.

Thank you very much!

Let's work together in 2016. Please be in touch at