TED talks

Making a Better You

I hadn't intended to post anything this week, thinking that people would be too preoccupied with the election to pay attention. But then I came across a post from Lolly Daskal that's a list of "10 TED talks to make a better you," and I just couldn't resist. There are talks on the list from Brene Brown, Tony Robbins, John Wooden, Dan Gilbert and many (well, 6) more fabulous people.

Her bottom line? That your life gets better when you get better.

Have fun watching!

Five Ways to Kill Your Dreams

I took a break last week to watch some TED talks (and hopefully find some new blog ideas!). I came across this one from Bel Pesce, a Brazilian entrepreneur, who talks about paths to success. Her clever title, Five Ways to Kill Your Dreams, has these takeaways:

  • Believe in overnight success: while some people's ideas may take off right away, for most it's a long journey to hitting the big time. Be patient!
  • Believe someone else has all the answers: they don't. Trust your intuition!
  • Believe that you should settle for "okay": it's YOUR dream- make it perfect!
  • Believe the fault is someone else's: when things go wrong, take responsibility!
  • Believe that all that matters is the goal: part of the experience- a big part of it- is the journey. Enjoy it!


Pesce says that we should use every step we take- even those that make us trip and sometimes fall- as a learning experience.

Here's to keeping your dreams alive!



Learn Something New

"I learn something new every day." How many times have you heard someone say that, or have you said it yourself? I heard it the other day, and it occured to me that it's not necessarily an over-statement. Most of us really do learn something new every day. But we probably don't even recognize it or acknowledge it when we do. We just add it to the existing mix of facts and information swirling through our heads.

So, the challenge is to try to identify one new thing you learn every day. Or, even better, intentionally go out there and learn something new every day. Keep track - write it down- and I'll bet you'll be amazed at the end of a month at all of the new things you've learned.


Here are a few ideas for stimulating the learning process:


Have fun, and learn alot!